Houston Car Cruise Pole Position Meet
#houstoncarcruise #polepositionmeet
A little bit of everything
Classified as an Organized Car Meet/gathering Food and bathrooms are on location.
Discounts will be given during our meets here for racing the indoor go-karts
Live DJ
Indoor go-kart racing
Arcade games inside
bountiful amount of space for activities in the parking lot
The Houston Car Cruise Pole Position Raceway Houston Meet was established when Pole Position contacted us about doing Monthly events. With one tour of the place and a free race at their indoor track, we didn’t have to think twice about doing a car meet here.
This venue has so many great things about it we started planning for our event that very same day
When is the next Houston Car Cruise Pole Position Meet?
This is a Monthly car meet with the reoccurring schedule flexible on the exact date currently
Address –
Houston Car Cruise Pole Position Meet
12552 Galveston Road #100a, Webster, TX 77598
#houstoncarcruise #polepositionmeet