Houston Car Cruise Bombshells Meet

#Houstoncarcruise #Bombshellsmeet

All types of cars from high end exotics to american muscle and imports.

Stanced, big horsepower, classic car, super cars

Classified as an Organized Car Meet, Food and bathrooms are on location inside Bombshells Resturaunt

Live DJ keeps the beat and the environment going

Listen to the good sounding cars leave as the sound bounces off the overpass when they leave

What started out as just a few of our high end car buddies parking in the very front “motorcycle only parking” area just meeting up to eat a couple times a month, quickly turned into one of the biggest organised car meets on the south side of Houston. Dozens of cars flocked into the parking lot to checkout what line we would have that day. After about the 4th event, the entire parking lot was full. All based on the layout that Exotics and high end cars up front in “VIP”, then corvettes directly to the left of them (assuming you are standing on the outdoor patio). Stance cars, show quality trucks/jeeps, and classic cars  to the right all lined up along NASA Rd. 1. Then Imports along the line directly behind the VIP line facing the “IHOP”, and lastly domestics on the far row facing the imports as a sort of face-off of different styles. Every other car in between just kinda sneaks in and finds a spot.

The entire event is coordinated by the owner of “Houston Car Cruise” Bobby, and his “Bombshells team”, Andrew, Brent, and Luke. This way things stay organised with the correct “VIP” worthy cars up front to keep the environment of the event to a certain level making it most enjoyable to majority of people.

When is the next Houston Car Cruise Bombshells Meet?

Bi-Weekly Meet every other Monday 8pm – 10pm

People arrive as early as 6pm to park, so come early if you want a spot closer to the front

See our Calendar
Address – 803 E NASA Pkwy, Webster, TX 77598


Website – www.houstoncarcruise.com


Facebook – Houston Car Cruise


Instagram – @houstoncarcruise

Houston Car Cruise Bombshells Meet

1638 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX 77006


#ricerwednesday #ricebox #riceboxmeet #houstoncarcruise

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