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321 Marina Bay Dr, Clear Lake Shores, TX 77565
Coverage of all the biggest car events in Houston. Dates/Locations/Live Upload Coverage

Weekly Saturday Kemah Meet

May 10, 2014 @ 6:00 pm  —  May 10, 2014 @ 9:30pm

This is the weekly meet every Saturday from 6pm-about 9:30pm.

Bring your family and friends. Very friendly environment to meet new friends with the same love of cars as you in the area.

If you get hungry there is a chick-fil-a in the same parking lot!

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    321 Marina Bay Dr, Clear Lake Shores, TX 77565Coverage of all the biggest car events in Houston. Dates/Locations/Live Upload Coverage
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    Coverage of all the biggest car events in Houston. Dates/Locations/Live Upload Coverage
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